New York Times Hires New Lead Opinion Writer...New York Times Fires New Lead Opinion Writer 2 Hours Later When They Find Out She's Friends With Neo Nazis And Tweets A Bunch Of Homophobic Stuff

NY POST - The New York Times decided to sever ties with the newest addition to their editorial page on Tuesday — just hours after they announced her arrival.

Tech writer Quinn Norton ended her very short tenure at the newspaper after controversy erupted over her use of racial and homophobic slurs on Twitter.

In a series of tweets, Norton admitted to being “friends with various neo-Nazis” although she claimed she “never agreed with them.”

In one conversation from 2013, Norton wrote “Here’s the deal, faggot. Free speech comes with responsibility. not legal, but human. grown up. you can do this.”

In another oddly prescient tweet from 2014, she said “Today I realized I’d probably make a lot more money being a racist for @nytimes.”

The New York Times at 8 AM when they hire their brand new lead opinion writer.

The New York Times at 9 AM when they scroll through her Twitter and see “here’s the deal faggot!” while she’s drinking beers with Nazis.

Tough break!  Normally you get at least 46 hours before the new guy gets you in trouble.

Anyway this isn’t really a hit piece on Quinn Norton.   Considering she wrote a 20 million word piece titled “The Collapse of Context” I’m going to assume her use of “faggot” and saying she’s racist was some sort of point she was proving or whatever.  INSANELY DUMB to tweet but nobody knows better than us the meaning of context.   Seems like more of a social media moron than an actual homophobe.

But if she really is friends with Nazis fuck her.

Here is her thread explaining her side.

Damn, so evolved.  Don’t I feel like a caveman right now.  The Superior Human of 2018 overlooks human flaws and differences in opinion to have an open door for dialogue to try and understand each other.  Even when that flaw is…being a fucking Nazi.

“How are you today, friend?  I believe everyone is equal and diversity is what makes this country so great.”

“I hate Jews and blacks and gays.”

“Oh well that is an interesting talking point for me to consider.  Coffee?”

Anyway, best part about this story is the New York Times.  The newspaper…full of the best journalists in the world…whose existence is to investigate and research and dig deep and expose…missed out on “faggot” and Nazi tweets that I just found in a  20 second search from my bed.

Intensive hiring process!

“Despite our review of Quinn Norton’s work and our conversations with her previous employers, this was new information to us,” read a statement from editorial page editor, James Bennet.

“Based on it, we’ve decided to go our separate ways.”

I feel like KFC could apply and be like an executive editor by lunch tomorrow.