Jamie Foxx Walking Out On A SportsCenter Interview Last Night Because Michael Smith Asked Him About Dating Katie Holmes Was Hilarious


So this happened last night as everyone at HQ and West Virginia were getting set up for Rough N Rowdy 2 (BUY NOW…just kidding. Sorry for the constant plugs and thank you to everyone who bought).

Anyway, I didn’t see this during or after the fight and was running around all day, but I wanted to get it up on the blog because it was such an awesome, honest reaction to being asked a question about your personal life. Even though we are public figures at Barstool, we don’t love every bit of our personal lives getting out there. And we aren’t even CLOSE to as popular as Jamie Foxx. Also none of us are dating the ex-wife of someone atop the Scientology food chain. That can’t be, ummmm let me choose my words veryyyyy carefully, very fun either. I didn’t even know Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes have been reportedly dating for FIVE(!!!) years until I saw this and I’m sure Jamie Foxx would be very happy about that. I’m also sure he wished nobody knew that his real name is Eric Marlon Bishop either, which will likely make numerous heads explode in shock even though we all knew in our heart of hearts that there was next to no chance his actual given name was Jamie fucking Foxx.


But when Michael Smith hit Eric Jamie with that question like a Smitty right hook to the nose, Jamie was almost KO’d by it. I was taking a screenshot for the blog thumbnail and happened to catch the exact moment that question turned him into a Mr. Krabs meme.


I don’t blame Jamie for bouncing after that question was asked one bit. Nobody wants to talk about their secret girlfriend, whether she is fake and from Canada or real and a Hall of Fame smokeshow. But not everybody is an A-list celebrity that doesn’t have to give a shit about a SportsCenter interview and can just leave like he is Derrick Rose in the middle of an NBA season. Yet another L for ESPN and another W for Jamie Foxx.

My favorite part however is when Jamie did the most relatable thing ever by putting his hoodie on his head, which is pretty much the grown up version of Frankenstein from Big Daddy putting his sunglasses on his face. Everyone knows that nobody can see you if you have a hoodie on.

Except for this guy. He sees EVERYTHING.


P.S. Shout out to Bunz from Booty Call getting with Joey from Dawson’s Creek. Even though those are just two fictional characters that have nothing to really do with this actual story, it still should give people out there hope. And while we are here, I am still pissed that Katie Holmes wasn’t in The Dark Knight. I didn’t give a shit when *10 YEAR OLD SPOILER ALERT* Maggie Gyllenhaal got blown to smithereens by The Joker. But if that happened to an American Sweetheart like Katie Holmes, I may have started crying in the movie theater like I was Robbie Fox. Biggest dropoff from a character from the original to a sequel ever. Pretty much like going from Neil to Big Cat in Chicago but backwards. Wait, I think I just compared Big Cat to Katie Holmes. Yup, it’s time to end this blog.