Adam Rippon Continues His Take Over of the Entire World


It’s official. Adam Rippon is not just the story of the PyeongChang Olympics but of the entire planet Earth right now. Name one other human being, group or institution that capable of getting this kind of notoriety right now. From NBC falling in love with him to NBC hiring to him telling NBC they can take their job and keister it. From Rippon sticking with Team USA to him doing Britney karaoke to even his costume designer becoming Internet famous for his skills with the crystals and skin-tight mesh. From Forrest Gump’s mom wanting Rippon to fuck her real life son to the ultimate compliment of being snarked by Sean Spicer. Everything he wants to hit he hits.

Adam Rippon’s career arc is a firework right now, blazing across the sky with the white hot light of a billion supernovae. The world is obsessed with him, from the top of his perfectly gelled fade haircut to the tip of his toe pick. And with the US tanking in virtually everything (in Alpine skiing, a nation of 330 million with thousands of ski mountains is tied with Lichtenstein, a country of 37,000 citizens), it’s comforting to know that we can still lead the world in something. Even if that something is just being fabulous.

It makes you wonder what my man Adam would be capable of if he could just land a quad. Instead, we’ll just have to settle for having the most celebrated 10th place finisher in the history of sports.