Tim Tebow's Power Is So Prodigious That He Is Hitting Sheds, That's Right SHEDS, During Batting Practice

The Power of Tebow propels you! Look at God’s Favorite Baseball player showing off his 2nd most powerful asset (behind faith). If I use my trusty Jason Bay Free Agency Chart, which tells you if a home run would have been a home run in any Major League Park, I can confirm that this would indeed be a YABO in Citi Field, unless the Wilpons decided to move the fences back in Tebow’s power alleys. Nahhhh, what kind of idiot owners wouldn’t model a park to their players’ strengths? Maybe The Baseball Maverick wasn’t being such a maverick when he said Tebow would make it to the Bigs with his big swinging stick after all.

Print the shirts!!!



I’m sorry guys, it’s late February. Football is over, the NFL offseason hasn’t started, Spring Training hasn’t gotten cooking yet, the NBA is on break until tonight and still has another month until the playoff races come to a head. You can only blog about the NHL, college hoops, and the Winter Olympics so much and not to go Francis on your guys, but those are outside of my Top 5 blogging sports. I don’t love it, but sometimes you have to write about people hitting sheds with baseballs. We call that #TebowSZN in the biz.

If my apology wasn’t enough, here is Tebow’s speech after the Ole Miss game to fire you up so you finish your work day with a flourish.

If that didn’t work, here’s Tebow’s speech from halftime of the National Championship game vs. Oklahoma.

And if THAT didn’t work, here is the infamous “girlfriend” picture from Tim’s college days that made his virginity claims at best suspicious and at worst fraudulent lies because I still see this girl in my dreams from time to time.


UPDATE: I think it moved.

