Riggs and Trent's #CousinsRetreat Is Off To As Amazing Of A Start As I Ever Could Have Hoped

For those who don’t know, myself  Cousin Riggs, and my vacation pal Cousin Trent were invited down to Florida by none other than Michael Portnoy, David “El Pres” Portnoy’s father. As his cohost daily on “Mike and the Murr Dog Featuring Riggs the Host” on SiriusXM Power 85, he thought it was due time to meet me. So myself, Trent, and our trusted cameraman YP took a noon flight down to Florida to live with our bosses father, mother, and cousin for the weekend. Pretty standard work stuff. And so far, what an exceptional time it’s been.

We started with a tour of the house which didn’t disappoint.


We went to dinner which was everything I ever wanted. My only problem with dinner is it didn’t last 3 hours longer.


Cousins Mike and Cousin Dave…the apple certainly didn’t fall far from the tree.


We then retreated back to our bedrooms for a good night’s sleep.


Today we woke up and it was a beautiful day outside, ready to go to the #CousinsClassic


Again, the apple


After a nice brunch, it was time to hit the links. Cousin Mike made some calls and…..



Lots of rumors about Cousin Mike’s golf game will be put to rest today.


And that’s where we are now.

The #CousinsClassic has kicked off. You can follow us on our Twitters, and we are documenting everything over on the BarstoolSports Snapchat.