Big Baby Glen Davis Got Busted Selling Weed Out Of A Hampton Inn In Maryland

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(ABC) – Glen “Big Baby” Davis, former NBA player best known for his role on the 2008 championship Boston Celtics, was arrested at a Hampton Inn in Aberdeen last month.

According to court records, the hotel owner smelled marijuana coming from Davis’ room on February 7th.

When the owner knocked on room 208, someone inside the room told him to “F*@# off!”

Aberdeen police then responded to the hotel and Davis gave signed consent to search his room

“They recovered 126 grams of marijuana,” said Aberdeen Police Lieutenant William Reiber, “In addition to that there was a brief case that contained 92,164 dollars of U.S. currency along with a ledger that contained language which is consistent with someone involved in the sale and distribution of narcotics.”

The ledger was of names of people of who owed money along with baggies for individual packaging of a quarter pound of marijuana.

The strains were called “Sour D” and “Berry,” all from a Los Angeles wholesaler court records show Davis told police he was in business with.

First and foremost that’s the best possible Big Baby Drug Bust Mugshot any of us could’ve hoped for. Looking like the Hamburglar wearing his St. Paddy’s Day polo in support of Northern Ireland. Simply remarkable.

As for the meat and potatoes of this story: that seems like a wild amount of cash to have on hand just for, like, $900 of weed to be the major drug bust that coincides with it. That math doesn’t add up in the slightest. Luckily for us, Ronald Glen “Big Baby” Davis keeps a handy ledger to tabulate all of his recent fronts to see who’s working his product on the streets. So either Big Baby is moving major units from coast to coast and needs to really keep close tabs on everything, OR, he carries around a ledger and a fucking hundred grand with him at all times like a 1920s bootlegger except for no reason whatsoever. Which honestly feels like exactly the type of weed dealer Big Baby has to be. The guy who sells you an eighth but wants to play PS4 and get food for 3 hours before letting you leave.

Sidebar – I don’t know how, I have no proof of anything, but I just know Delonte West is involved in all of this somehow. Maybe I just want it to be true and it’s nothing more than that. But the idea of Delonte running a nationwide marijuana ring using other former players as mules has my blood flowing all over the place. Him and Big Baby rolling up in a three-wheeled motorcycle with duel shotguns to collect off their fronts is enough imagery to get a Hollywood studio to green light this movie without the script written.