Fallen FDNY Hero Michael Davidson Leaves Behind A Wife And 4 Children Under The Age of 7. Lets Help Them Out.


USA Today – A New York City firefighter died Thursday after a large fire broke out in a Harlem building where an Edward Norton movie was being filmed. The blaze broke out on the set of Motherless Brooklyn in the cellar of an unoccupied building on St. Nicolas Avenue about 11 p.m. Thursday. Firefighter Michael Davidson, 37, who served the department for 15 years, was killed. “(Davidson) was cited for bravery on four separate occasions,” the New York City Fire Department said in a statement. “He is the 1,150th member to make the Supreme Sacrifice while serving our city.” Two other firefighters suffered serious burns, the department said. A number of others with the department had less serious injuries, and three civilians received minor injuries.  “This is an awful night. We’ve lost an NYC firefighter,” tweeted Eric Phillips, Mayor Bill de Blasio’s press secretary.  New York Fire Commissioner Daniel Nigro said the raging blaze forced the firefighters to back out of the building. “They encountered heavy fire. They did the best they could,” Nigro said. Davidson, who was assigned to the nozzle on the first-to-arrive Engine Company 69, got separated from the rest of the unit and lost consciousness. He was later found by other firefighters and taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead. Davidson is survived by his wife, Eileen, and four children.

Michael Davidson made the ultimate sacrifice last night. Killed in the line of duty after 15 years of service at Engine Company 69. Michael had a wife, Eileen, and FOUR children under the age of 7. And I’m not trying to be bleak or pessimistic here, I dont want to be dramatic or negative, but raising and providing for four kids under the age of 7 is honestly the most daunting task I can imagine. And I say that not to pile on the grief Eileen Davidson is feeling, but to hopefully convey to you how much the Davidson family needs our help. Michael Davidson gave everything – literally everything – to this city. And now its time that we give it back. My venmo is open – @Kevin-Clancy-7. Every penny donated will go to them. In the past we’ve done t shirts but thats no longer necessary. It adds an extra step and production costs and it makes a minimum donation number. The easiest way that we, as strangers to the Davidson family, can help them is to raise as much money as possible and alleviate the enormous burden of being a firefighter’s widow. I come from a family of firefighters…I have countless friends that are firefighters…there are close friends of the Stool that are firefighters, and when tragedy strikes like this, its our duty to help. Michael Davidson did his duty now its time we do ours. Again the venmo is @Kevin-Clancy-7.

Eileen if you’re reading this – everyone at Barstool Sports thanks your husband for the service he provided this city, and we are here to help in any way possible. Let us know what you need.