Albert Belle, Looking AWESOME, Arrested For DUI and 2 Counts of Indecent Exposure

If you showed me this picture and said “this mug shot is going to be blogged today, who do you think it is and what do you think happened?”

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I would have 100% guessed it was some guy in Florida who was arrested for getting in a fight with his girlfriend over eating his leftover chicken nuggets after snorting some bath salts.

I for sure would not have guessed that is 5 time All Star Albert Belle, fresh off a DUI and 2 counts of indecent exposure. What happened, Albert?! Ya hate to see it. Well…ok, I guess you don’t really hate to see it. I don’t know if anyone actually every liked Albert Belle. Dude was just a big ol’ grinch. And not in the endearing way, either. Like, there are players who you like because they are the heel, the bully, the bad guy…Albert Belle was just an asshole.

Gotta know who he was flashing his dick to, or what the whole indecent exposure thing is about. This story definitely is not over, more as we hear it.



PS: This didn’t cause any sort of brawl or ejection. Pretty sweet. Just business as usual. But how do Fernando Vina’s teammates not do a single thing? I guess because there was a 50/50 chance Albert would have murdered them on the field. But still, you have to do SOMETHING!