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Sean Penn Went On Colbert And Immediately Started Talking About Ambien While Chain Smoking Cigarettes

Source –  A sleepy Sean Penn mumbled his way through an interview on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” thanks to an airplane and some Ambien.

“I’m doing well,” Penn, 57, told his host on Monday’s episode. “You’ve inherited a little of the Ambien I had to take to get to sleep after a red-eye last night.”

Eventually, Colbert gave Penn a brief lecture on the dangers of his seemingly constant tobacco use.

“Please don’t smoke anymore,” he urged. “I don’t mind. My parents smoked when I was a child, so it gives me happy memories to smell cigarette smoke, but you know we want you to be around for a long time and those things are bad for you.”

Say what you will about cigarettes but don’t you dare say they aren’t cool. And I’m in no way encouraging our readers to start smoking, I’m just stating facts. Without a cigarette that interview is a zero out of ten. No one wants to hear Sean Penn ramble on about his book. No one wants to hear Sean Penn, period. But you stick a cigarette in his hand and suddenly I’m enthralled. The internet, was too. There were more articles about him smoking on air that were on his El Chapo interview.

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Just goes to show what a well-timed cigarette can do for a career. Some of the articles were mad at him for setting a bad example and I get that. Cracking jokes about Ambien while ripping butts on live television is frowned upon in 2018. But in this case it actually made the interview better. If he was smoking outdoors it would’ve been another story but he was cranking inside, which is always a crowd pleaser.  Overall I feel like Penn knocked the interview out of the park. Not only that, he followed tradition. Some of Letterman’s best guests used to smoke in studio: Hartman, Pesci, Burns, Ellen.

Should he stop smoking? Probably. But according to him he’s providing job security to oncologists so maybe he should keep it up. Doctors need jobs too. Whatever, as long as he’s around to give more interviews like the one he just did I don’t care what he does.