Tonight Is Just Another Night In The City Of Champions

Kansas v Villanova

I’ll tell you what. It’s not easy being us. It’s almost like a job at this point being a Philly sports fan. Would it be nice if every once in a while we could watch a championship game and not really care about the outcome? Just be able to enjoy the game for what it is? Of course it would. But that’s just not the case for us anymore.

Let’s roll back the clock a little to August. The Philadelphia Soul are playing, and winning, their second straight Arena Bowl Championship. Then we get to February. The Philadelphia Eagles are playing, and winning, their first ever Super Bowl Championship. You’ve got the Philadelphia 76ers who are currently the 4-seed in the East with a spot in the playoffs well beyond clinched. You’ve got the Philadelphia Flyers who are just another win or two away from clinching a playoff spot of their own. And then tonight you have the Villanova men’s basketball team playing in their 2nd national championship game in 3 years. Ho hum.

(Quick timeout for all the bozos who are going to come in here saying that ‘Nova isn’t a Philly school to blow their load in the comment section).

And we’re back. But yeah. This is just what life has become here for us in the City of Champions. It’s like every day we wake up and we have another title game to play in. It’s like every day we wake up and we have another parade to plan. While it may seem like work at times, I can tell you this. The feeling of winning never gets old. You can never get sick of winning too many championships. Each one feels better than the last. And tonight will be even sweeter as the Rone Curse puts Portnoy and Tommy Smokes 6 feet under, right where they belong. Can’t wait.
