Wanna Watch A Guy Stone Cold McDonalds Milkshakes For No Reason At All? Here Ya Go!

What the hell did we just watch? Is this how YouTube works now? Is this what the Logan Pauls and Jake Pauls of the world are turning kids into? That was some wild shit. Or maybe it’s just kids being kids. The more that I think about it, I think that’s it. There’s no doubt in my mind that I could’ve been talked into doing that back in the day. Stone Cold a couple of milkshakes like a crazy person than flounder on the ground like a fish? DONE AND DONE. There’s nothing like those early teen years when anarchy is your best friend. It’s a different type of crazy. It’s a time when no dare goes un-attempted.

I remember one time at Buffalo Wild Wings we poured a bunch of wing sauce and ketchup and and ranch and soda and whatever else we could find into a cup then offered everybody in the group $1 to drink it. I did it for free cause I was a crazy teen. What a rush that was. Did I puke? Of course I fucking puked. I puked all over the parking lot of that Buffalo Wild Wings. No parking lot has ever been covered in more puke than that Cedar Rapids BWW. But I got laughs and respect from my friends and that’s all that mattered back then. Worth it.