A Customer Complained About The Haircut His Barber Gave Him, So The Barber Naturally Pushed Him Through A Plate Glass Window

NYDN- A Brooklyn barbershop customer’s face was sliced open after his stylist shoved him through a plate glass window Thursday afternoon, police said. The bloody 3 p.m. scene at the Levels Barbershop on Nostrand Ave. in Crown Heights unfolded because the victim, 33, was unhappy about his haircut, witnesses said

He threatened to withhold payment, enraging his barber, who allegedly shoved him through one of the store’s front windows. “He didn’t see the push coming,” said Free Small, 39, another barber at the shop. “All his body weight went through the window.”

Dramatic Reenactment:

Well would you look at that? This is proof that the reason nobody complains about a bad haircut is because we instinctively know that we should fear our barber. Back before I started shaving my head, I would approve every single haircut once my barber held up the mirror just because I don’t want to piss off someone that held my hair’s fate in their hands while also holding scissors close to my head. The warm shaving cream at the end with the razor near my throat didn’t hurt his cause either. But it doesn’t matter if I went in asking for a 2 on the side with a trim off the top and walked out with the Weird Haircut Seth.


I would thank my barber for the A+ job, leave him a nice tip, and if the haircut was really bad, go to another barbershop nowhere near my home barbershop and get that shit fixed before I got home and washed the hair off my body. Stories like this are the reason that Jerry was scared to cheat on his barber in Seinfeld and the reason you are nodding your head while reading this blog.

Also no offense to Mr. Free Small, who I’m sure is a dynamite barber and even better person, but I gotta call bullshit on his quote.

Small didn’t believe the barber meant to hurt the man.

“You don’t know how bad a situation is going to get before you even react,” he said “And even though you ain’t mean to do it, it’s done.”

If you put someone through a plate glass window, you are at the very least aiming to maim. Free may disagree. But as somebody that was scarred for life by someone going through a barbershop window, trust me there are no such things as accidents when it comes to that stuff.

They didn’t show Marty Jannetty’s face uncensored on TV for months after this happened. MONTHS. After that, the Heartbreak Kid became one of the best heels the WWF would have. You know why? Well yeah because he was talented and a sexy boy. But also because he did one of the most heinous acts in WWF history.

Also the little bit I know about city barbershops is that there is no way this guy can step foot in that barbershop again. He forever will have a nickname like Mr. Glass and will be the topic on conversation the entire time he is there as well as right after he leaves. That may be the worst part of this entire charade if we are being honest. Finding a new barber is the WORST*.

*Said in Frank The Tank’s angry NJ Transit voice