RED LINE RADIO EP 6: The Day WSD Became An MLB Hitting Coach

It’s the dog days of winter, but here at Barstool Chicago we really don’t give a shit.  Do you think this graphic scares us?

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FUCK NO it doesn’t.  This is #BearWeather and truthfully if this mildly cold stretch of weather would have hit Chicago just a few weeks earlier, we don’t even have to worry about a Cody Parkey double doink.  Chicagoans are like the Russian dude from the Sopranos in the Pine Barrens episode:

Just kidding.  I hate this weather so fucking much that I high tailed it to Scottsdale AZ for almost the entire winter last year.  But, I digress.

Loaded show.  We went over the Super Bowl for 30 minutes, broke down Bobby Massie’s new extension, talked some Cubs and Hawks and then I became a MLB hitting coach.

Truth be told I thought this was one of our funniest episodes yet, even with late January/February being a shit time of year for sports.

Oh yeah, and I also became an MLB hitting coach over the weekend.

Subscribe, rate the show 5 stars, and give us your favorite beef review.  Let’s go!