Hard Factor 11/21: Prison Guards Arrested Over Epstein Fuck Up and Prince Andrew Resigns from Princing, Impeachment Hearing Update, Charles Barkley OTR Whoopsie

On today’s episode…

Several New Epstein Updates

The Duke Of York, The UK's Special Representative For International Trade and Investment Visits Crossrail

  • Two prison workers have been charged by a federal grand jury for conspiracy and filing false records in connection with their actions the night Jeffrey Epstein died in prison.
  • A Senate Judiciary Committee was formed to discuss the Epstein case and now the FBI is investigating if a criminal enterprise took place over the Epstein death
  • Prince Andrew has announced he will relinquish his royal family duties whatever the fuck that means, after backlash from his BBC interview where he said he doesn’t sweat and doesn’t take pictures with women so therefore is innocent of accusations he had sex with underage women at Epstein parties

Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Update

  • On Tuesday morning it was Ukraine Policy Specialist Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, and assistant to Mike Pence Jennifer Williams. Vindman really stole the show in this one. He corrected Devin Nunes to refer to him as “Lt. Colenel” instead of “Mr.” Vindman he also insists he is not the whistleblower, but wouldn’t answer if he knew who was
  • Then on Wednesday Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland testified ALL fucking day. Both sides think his testimony proves their point so shocker there as this is still playing straight down party lines.

News Buffet

  • Jussie Smollet is suing the city of Chicago.  Talk about not folding a losing hand.
  • A federal legalization of marijuana bill passed the House Judiciary Committee
  • A family in South Africa had to drag their uncles dead body to the insurance company to prove he was dead
  • Charles Barkley in hot water after his off color joke about punching a female reporter was outed by the reporter

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