300th Episode Extravaganza!!!

Zero Blog Thirty has made it to 300 episodes. Okay, so we have a few more than 300 because a few times we messed up the numbers or purposefully used decimals, and we have had a few special editions sprinkled in, but fuck it. THIS. IS. EPISODE. 300.*Spartan kick*.

At the beginning of the episode we play the intro from our second ever episode, where I laid out what exactly the podcast was going to be about. I'm pretty happy to report not much has changed, and a big reason we stayed on target for so long is all of you sticking with us along the way.

Obviously, without all the listeners, we just don't have a show. But, our listeners and the people who interact with us daily on social media are truly outstanding people. Too often the veteran community is painted into a corner, and usually that corner is pretty ugly. I truly feel that the community we have is the rule, and not the exception, and daily that is on display on our all our social media. 

I'm excited for the next 300 and can't be more thankful to Connor, Kate, all the producers we've had along the way (shout out Bren who made an appearance on the show), and all of you who listen to us every week.

Also, really proud of this episode in general, not just because it is number 300. We cover a lot of ground and it was a ton of fun. Listen to it.

Round 1: We’ve made it 300 episodes. We’re gonna take a small look back on where we started, where we are at, and where we intend to go. We wont suck our own dicks too much! 

Round 2: Even though we’ve done 300 episodes, there’s some things we were supposed to do but never did. Interesting enough, and not just for the purpose of a transition, we found a tweet thread from Military folks who talked about training they were supposed to complete but they skated out of it like longtime stoolie Michelle Kwan. 

Round 3: For the first time in Zero Blog Thirty history, we are gonna head over to Slovenia to check out some news that would make even the most senior of Lance Corporals happy. Melania Trump’s statue was burned in her home town. We got something for that. 

Round 4: The oldest Marine Corps veteran celebrates their birthday this week. Guess how old they are? 

Round 5: Danny Trejo joins the show which might not make sense but it totally makes sense. He’s feeding tons of unhomed veterans and he’s basically like every GySgt I’ve ever had. Looks rough and tough but is a big ole teddy bear despite the tattoos and reputation that proceeds him. 

Round 6: Over the last 300 episodes, we’ve changed since the beginning. We arent the only ones though. The Army has changed too or is changing, rather. Kinder Gentler! Kinder Gentler!