Twins Shouldn't Do That!

That thumbnail is a little misleading because there are no more twin cheesecake GIFs in this blog.


Just recorded the Twisted History of Twins because the topic has always fascinated me.

I've had many twin friends over the years, each one more normal than the next... And their normalcy and lack of telepathic powers have always disappointed me, to be honest.  

But there has been centuries-long mystique surrounding twins in history that probably started for me with those 2 little girls in The Shining and ended with a true decades-old story about 11-year-old twin boys from North Carolina that I am about to tell you now.

In 1999, Nathan and Justin Bawcum, 11-year-old twin brothers from a small town called  Kittrel, North Carolina, were charged with first-degree murder. 

Before that, they were known as two of the nicest kids in the neighborhood.  In fact, if you Google the story, every media outlet that covered it all stated this same fact for some reason: The most trouble they had ever been in was for playing with their yo-yos in class.

So outside of this "yo-yo incident," the Bawcum boys were seemingly as boring as every twin I know. 

That was "until."

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Until their mother found a .22-caliber assault rifle under the covers in the twins' room and confronted the boys about it. 

The two boys fucking snapped, and one jumped on the mom to wrestle his rifle away from her while the other shot at her with a .38-caliber pistol. 

Their father, Bill Bawcum, heard the shot and rushed toward the noise, but when he got to the room, one of the twins shot him twice… In the throat and face.

Their 16-year-old sister, Robin, was also shot as she rushed to call the police… They got her in the collarbone. 

When the police finally arrived, they found a scene that officials described as “gory”... And right in the middle of all of the gore were the 2 pre-teens calmly playing with their pet rabbit. 

Giphy Images.

Luckily, the mother and sister survived their injuries, but Bill died from the gunshot wounds inflicted by his 11-year-old sons... He was 45-years-old. 

The Bawcum brothers entered pleas for reduced charges and private trials, and since they were under 13 they could not be tried as adults...That means the maximum punishment they faced was confinement at a state training school until they turned 18.

They were released in 2006 and their records were wiped clean.

THE END?... (I doubt it.)

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There are a TON of creepy/murderous twin stories like this, and I tell a SHITLOAD of them on this week's episode.  And as is so often the case, the podcast takes a definitive turn towards Nazi Germany as we talk about Josef Mengele's obsession with conducting fucking BRUTAL medical tests on thousands of twins at Auschwitz... And, much like the Bawcum brothers, Mengele skated away scot-free.

Take a report.
