The Resurgence of Gary Sanchez Has Been Fun As Hell To Watch And I Hope It's Here To Stay

Tim Nwachukwu. Getty Images.

I don't know about you but I've been having one helluva time lately watching Gary Sanchez remember how to hit. This motherfucker has been raking over the last 23 games to the tune of .338/.410/.743 with 8 bombs and 18 RBIs. Ever since he eliminated his elongated leg kick the results have been incredible. The fastball splits shown here are insane. 

The man is carrying this team right out of the 3 hole and really making the lineup a threat at the moment. Yesterday's 3 run bomb really put the game out of reach. For once the Yankees had themselves a nice easy victory to end a series. 

If you're a Yankees fan and being truthful to yourself you gave up on Gary returning to this form. Now we're being roped back in and it's fun I'm not going to lie. It doesn't make you a bad fan that you gave up on this guy and it's certainly okay to be enjoying this run. I'm very happy for Gary and impressed at how much he's battled through the adversity of losing the starting job earlier in the year. He's an extremely streaky player who is currently riding a scorched Earth tear. Let's hope it never ends. Gary and the boys in Boston tonight trying to exact some revenge for what happened at the stadium earlier in the year. Let's have a weekend. 

Check out the pod before tonight's game.