CUM Bars and Dragon Kings: The Top 10 Facts We Learned About Bhutan This Week On Drop A Pin
This week on Drop A Pin we had on the most virtually well traveled guy at the company, KB, and of all places, he chose the Kingdom of Bhutan AKA "The Land of Thunder Dragon", to drop a pin in. Before the pod all I knew about Bhutan was that it was near Nepal, they paint penises on their homes, and it's been called "the happiest country on earth", but we learned so much more over the course of recording. Here are 10 fun facts.
10. The country's leader, known as the Dragon King, went to Wheaton College in Massachusetts, and has a very attractive wife, making them possibly the world's hottest living royal couple.


No contest!
9. Bhutan didn't have TV until 1999.

Both TV and Internet were actually illegal until 1999 as the country feared that outside influences would undermine its culture and monarchy. So ya, they missed the entire run of Seinfeld.
8. The entire country of Bhutan has zero traffic lights.

All intersections are just managed by flamboyant police officers in white gloves. Supposedly the country tried installing a traffic light in its capital once but the locals demanded the return of their beloved traffic cops and tore it down.
7. In Bhutan the majority of people don't celebrate their individual birthday, the country just collectively decides to turn a year older on New Years.
I think it's due to the fact that 60% of people don't even know their actual birthdate due to low literacy rates. Don't hate this. At the very least you'd no longer have to tell girls your star sign on a first date so they can determine whether your a compatible match.
6. They lifted their ban on cigarettes during Covid.

Seems a bit counterintuitive to finally legalize cigarettes while the entire world is battling a virus that attacks the respiratory system there's some method behind the madness. While cigarettes, were banned, illegal hoon smuggling was rampant and the government didn't want one of these smugglers bringing Covid into their country. Hence the legalization. Btw, tourists can bring up to 200 cigarettes with them if they get a tobacco license when they enter the country so I'm still considering a trip there. You can only smoke in desginated hoon lounges tho which is fine by me.
5. They feed their pigs marijuanna (and don't eat them)

Being a strictly Buddhist country, killing animals for consumption is illegal, however consuming meat isn't, which means all their meat has to be imported. However the country still has a bunch of pigs and A LOT OF WEED (it's more common than grass in Bhutan) so cannabis has become the #1 food source for their swine. The farmers swear it leads to them eating and sleeping more which makes for fattier strips of bacon. Now why would Bhutanese farmers care about how fat their pigs are when it's illegal for them to slaughter them? Apparently they export the swine to Indian slaughterhouses which then import the meat back to them.
4. They 2nd Worst Soccer Team in the World (Behind Montserrat)
and once lost to Kuwait 20-0

3. The Country Has Tons of CUM Bars
CUM in Bhutan means "with", so anytime there is a store that also has a bar, it's officially a CUM BAR.
2.. Their National Animal is called a Takai and is pretty much a roided up goat.
They also have deers with fangs

The most famous saint in Bhutan is Drukpa AKA The Saint of 5000 Women, was known to fight off demons with his "Thunderbolt of Flaming Wisdom" AKA HIS PENIS. As a result the phallus has become a symbol of protection and good luck. and now people paint them on their homes to ward off evil spirits. I ain't afraid of no ghosts, but I'm def afraid of a giant veiny cock mid-squirt so I'm sure they're quite effective.
BONUS FACT: We may have found the real location of KB's imaginary New Platson
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