Introducing Barstool Feud on KFC Radio

(Barstool Feud begins at the 42:00 mark)

Its been a dream of mine to institute everyone’s favorite classic game shows here at Barstool. One day with the eventual goal of hosting a game of Barstool Jeopardy. But today we begin with Barstool Feud. I, of course, playing the role of Hollywood juggernaut Steve Harvey. The contestants – The Akira and Feitelberg Families. We surveyed all the listeners of KFC Radio to get the results of our questions. These were the topics:

Name a person that KFC hates

What is the largest animal you could kill with a baseball bat

Name a thing you’d expect to find on a porn set

Name a Barstool employee you think has had a threesome

Name a Barstool employee you think is a virgin

We equipped Feits and Asa with buzzers and let the competition roll. We’ll roll this idea out in video soon enough with other members of the Stool but for now, contribute by answering the Barstool Feud survey questions here.

The rest of the episode recap:

- Feits goes to therapy

- Entertainment update with Kelly Keegs, president of the Drama Club

- Barstool Confessions

- One Minute Man