Get Ready to Watch Me Flip a School Bus

I can't really express how excited I am for this series. Don't get me wrong, I love doing my cooking show, but gun to my head if I had to pick between Die Trying and cooking I would choose to Die Trying 10 times out of 10. That's not to say my cooking show is going anywhere, I'll always have that, but this series is going to be my main focus for the foreseeable future. 

Making this show has been a dream of mine ever since I was a little kid. Everyone has their vices, mine just happens to be adrenaline. I know there's no way to say that without sounding like a hardo but that's just the truth. I have some crazy ideas for this show, ideas that have made our insurance agents a little unsettled but don't worry no suits are going to get in the way of a great time. 

Episode 1, School Bus Race, could not have gone better. I didn't know what to expect going in but boy did it shatter any expectations I had. It's flip or be flipped. All gas no brakes. Winner take all and It was genuinely the most fun I've had in maybe 5 years. The full episode drops a week from today, June 16th.