Start The Weekend Now With Javy Baez Riding A Tricycle And Playing With Puppies

Post Thumbnail: 1293266Does you hate your life because it sucks? Well cheer up because you’re about to get mushroom stamped with some good old fashioned ADORABLE content featuring two first ballot favorite things: Javy Baez and Puppies.

Hey Javy don’t be such a wuss it’s just a puppy.

Taylor Davis on the otherhand is basically a dog whisperer. Sources close to the situation say nit’s because he’s part animal himself – he took a DNA test last year and came back with trace amounts of both Grizzly and Teddy Bear in him. Personally I don’t care as long as he can contribute some quality AB’s while Victor Caratini is on the DL but then again this isn’t that kind of blog. It’s a blog about puppies so allow me to shut up and get out of the way.