I'm The King Of (American) Geography & Whoever Disagrees Can Come See Me In The Capital Game

First off- that zoomed in camera angle is fucked up. Uncalled for. Gonna have a word with whoever is the camera operator in the radio room.

Aside from that geography is hot in the streets these days thanks to my extreme affinity & knowledge of solely the US States and their capitals. Yet it's sad that there's clearly cheating going on thanks to sporcle and potentially the General. I mean was that a faulty mouse? What the fuck. Couldn't be anymore on Nevada. This must've been how Dez felt.

Anyways of course I eventually got the W but that does not shy away from what transpired before that. Today there are no L's. Nonstop W's against the General himself who also fancies himself a geography guy. Wish me luck.

Not that I need it!