Video: Russia Being Sky-Assholes Again

Ah, a surprise visit from the trolls of the military world that should be a surprise to absolutely no one. 

From the U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa/U.S. 6th Fleet YouTube channel (who knew they had their own YouTube channel?):

MEDITERRANEAN SEA (May 26, 2020) Two Russian Su-35 aircraft unsafely intercept a P-8A Poseidon patrol aircraft assigned to U.S. 6th Fleet over the Mediterranean Sea May 26, 2020. 

The intercept was determined to be unsafe and unprofessional due to the Russian pilots taking close station on each wing of the P-8A simultaneously, restricting the P-8A’s ability to safely maneuver, and lasted a total of 64 minutes. 

U.S. 6th Fleet, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa.

First of all I love the wording 6th Fleet's PAO [public affairs officer] is forced to use. Yes, it was unprofessional that for over an HOUR these assholes hung out on either wing of our aircraft. It was unsafe that they did this so closely you could see the pilot's faces. Very rude. 

Our P-8A is a jack-of-all trades in the air, and with big time surveillance components, Harpoon missiles & torpedoes it's capable of anti-sub / anti-surface (vessels above water) warfare, plus intel and recon, and humanitarian, search & rescue missions... but this big, tricked-out fella is obviously no match for the stealth of a Russian Su-35 in the air, let alone a pair of 'em. 

Naturally this is only another event in a long series of them provoking us. They did this twice just last month getting within 25 feet of our planes each time. 

The nerve. Imagine Russia as the hand poking us, thinking we're some big pussy:

Well let me tell ya, Russia jerk-faces, this American puss has got claws, baby. Keep it up and you're gonna get scratched, and maybe even urine sprayed all over your house. Sincerely, lady who owns a cat now with very sharp claws and an impressive bladder range. Take THAT. Keep it up, we dare you.

In closing, here's a few other examples as of late where they are also being sea and road assholes, too. Not great!


I'm just glad that over on our turf our brave men & women pilots are more concerned with being sky-dicks instead of sky-assholes. SALUTE.

If you want to learn more about this stuff or just interesting military thangs in general be sure to check out ZeroBlog30. Episodes drop every Tuesday/Friday & we keep things light & fun. You don't have to be military/veteran to enjoy, or to shit on Russia with us!