Cristiano Ronaldo Bitches About Playing In An Empty Stadium, Says It's Like Going To The Circus Without Clowns

Source - What's it like to play a major soccer match without fans in the stadium?! "It’s like going to a circus without clowns, going to a garden without flowers,” Ronaldo told reporters Tuesday after Portugal defeated Sweden at an empty Friends Arena in Solna.

Of course, the fan ban is a part of the global effort to stop the spread of COVID-19.

"We don’t like that as players, but I’m already used to it. I do my pre-match meditation already knowing that the stadium will be empty."

And, get this  Ronaldo doesn't just miss the roaring crowd, he also misses his haters -- saying it's just not the same without people booing and heckling. “It’s sad. I like when I’m jeered in away matches," Ronaldo said ... "It motivates me. But health has to come first and we need to respect that. But it’s sad."

There's still no official target date for bringing back fans -- but Ronaldo says he hopes it happens in the next couple of months.

You know what's the worst? Like the absolute worst? Going into the office and not having to deal with people. Not having to deal with anyone chirping you or critiquing your work or hating on you for no reason. So I get what Ronaldo is saying, but then again, bro,  you 

It's all relative, people. To some of us a real problem would be getting furloughed or losing your job, to Ronaldo it's playing in an empty stadium while still collecting a $686,743.18 weekly paycheck. I'm not gonna hate on him for it and you shouldn't either. He was asked a question and he answered it honestly. Besides, the real reason I'm here is to show off how beautiful he is. I mean look at this guy....

As Chaps would say, "Fuck me up daddy." Too much? Okay. Anyway, as far as calling the fans 'clowns' goes, he's not wrong. Soccer fans are the biggest clowns on the planet. Every single one of them is a lunatic. They need their sport more than they need air to breath, so I can imagine the second they're allowed back in the stadium they'll be there. Then we can all sleep soundly at night knowing Ronaldo is once again happy at work. Can't wait. Be patient my friend, things will get better!