I've Found The Edge I Need For The Moron Madness Contest, A Corgi That Picks Games By Going Air Bud

This contest is going live this weekend and when the pairings came out and I was with Rico I was pumped. I've been a Ryder for three Presidencies now. I #BelieveInBosco. This is the man with a college basketball podcast. This is a man who lives and dies for basketball even if it's CYO. He's 1-0 in major Barstool Sportsbook Contests. He sent me PAGES of research with color coded charts and graphs that I am TOTALLLYYYYY going to read through. He's an absolute bulldog. The only thing better than a bulldog in these situations...a corgi

Every once in a blue moon you get a sign from the Gambling Gods. This is one of those moments. I ignored the World Cup picking octopus and paid for it. I can't make that mistake again. I will be riding with Air-Corg. Rico can handle 3 of the regions. I am going with AirCorg for the South. Those picks look good to me. Classic 12-5 upset. North Texas could beat Purdue. Colgate only has one loss on the year. They can definitely keep it within 8.5. This dog knows what's up. It's smart. It has a strategy. This is March. It's chaos. It's unpredictable. You're better off using a dog brain than your own. I know Rico decently well at this point. He is rational. Unemotional. Calculated. I know he will see this dog hitting buckets and get on board with this strategy. It's the right thing to do. He might get mad at me for tipping our hand and showing the world our secret weapon, but that's it. We are going with AirCorg straight to 10k.