Cross Australia Off The Map, The Entire Country Is Being Run Over By A "Mouse Plague"

As winter approaches, the mice will likely seek shelter in people's homes meaning that scenes reported in the countryside - such as mice biting people in bed - could soon be seen in urban centres.

'They will travel to Sydney, I would say by August,' Mr Mafra said.

Australia suffers from periodic mouse plagues that typically affect grain-producing farm regions and tend to go in 10-year cycles.

2020 was a particularly good growing year after heavy rains ended two years of drought and created fertile growing conditions.

At the end of the season, it meant farmers had large amounts of food to store, which they put away in silos and sheds - which quickly became breeding grounds for mice.

What started in New South Wales has since spread to Queensland and South Australia, and shows no sign of slowing down.

A map created by the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation shows how sightings have been increasing and spreading in recent months as mice move from rural hinterland closer to the coast.

Just as the world is opening up, Australia is SHUT THE FUCK DOWN. If Taffer hears about this the country is banned for life. Needs new ownership. This is absolutely disgusting. It also seems impossible for Australia to have a rodent plague because when I think of the Australian bush is a never ending list of animals that will kill you. And I mean YOU. The grown ass adult reading this. Snakes, scorpions, bats, dingos, and fucking cassowaries. You'd think they'd be EATIN during this ten years in the make mouse plague but apparently not because you open up a grain bin and this happens

The thumbnail for this blog was Mac so I'll keep reactions from the same show because this video honestly made me gag

Like if you live in Australia, how do you ever eat again? If you see that video you can't. The only thing you can eat is shrimp on the barbie because literally everything else is covered with mice. That is a god damn shame. I'd love to go to Australia where the people look like this

Unfortunately though, by the time you get there all of those girls on the beach will probably be dead from some mouse related disease/famine. Very sad. Otherwise they totally would've been interested in you. Yes, YOU, reading this blog. Now you can't go there though. You'll have to pick another place on the map still allowable by Mac