Old Dog Rico Bosco Goes Rabid During Surviving Barstool

If you missed Surviving Barstool, you need to drop everything and watch it now. It's pretty universally agreed internally that it's the best thing we've ever done and as a neutral observer (and Survivor lover), I thought the first episode was fantastic.

(Light Episode One Spoilers Ahead)

The old Rico Bosco returned with a fury during the immunity challenge portion of Surviving Barstool. The group had been broken up into two tribes and were competing in a game called Attack and Defend. Each team had to pass balls through a hallway to a shooter who would attempt a shot on goal. At the same time, the teams can block the balls being passed through the hallway. The last rule was each player had to stay in their circle or else the other team could shoot a penalty shot.

For some reason, Rico's tribe had him set up as the shooter. It...didn't go well.

In fairness to Rico, I watched this clip about a dozen times and I'm still not sure he stepped out the first time. His toe is over the line but did it ever hit the floor? It's really close. The second time when his hand touches the floor? I can't help him there.

Episode 2 is tonight at 8 PM. Word is it's even crazier than last night. Rico said that's "when the shit really hits the fan".