Caleb Williams Turned Down Millions In An NIL Commercial So It Could Go To His USC Offensive Line

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What a great little story hitting the internet today. Every day that goes by and every story you hear from the people who actually know Caleb Williams the better the story gets about our guy. There was so many questions about his character at USC leading up to the draft. More and more it sounds like they're alllll false. The media was making him out to be some combination of Bo Callahan and Jonny Manziel. This is the type of gesture you want from a leader. Another way for him to show his appreciation for the guys who keep him healthy and allow him to shine. 

Then you've got the clips from the Giants hardknocks where he looks good on the board as well

It's impossible not to buy into the optimism at this point. If you're not then the problem is with you and not Caleb at this point. I am sure there will be bumps in the road with him as he learns the NFL and the position, but basic stuff like having a good brain and a good heart are there. I can't wait for Bears Hardknocks. I can't wait for the season to start. I can't wait to see the Bears look competent on offense. Who knows…maybe we finally get that 4000 yard passer at some point.