USC Head Coach Lincoln Riley Flirts With Dropping Notre Dame From The Schedule

Add Lincoln Riley to the list of people trying to absolutely RUIN college football. This gutless coward is laying the ground work to cancel College Football greatest and longest intersectional rivalry because USC will have to play the likes of Iowa and Indiana in football now. This money-grubbing, carpetbagging, loser is ready to drop Notre Dame. I've been banging the drum against this college football realignment for years now. It disgusts me that historic rivalries like the Backyard Brawl, Texas vs A&M, and others were discontinued so these "non-profit" universities could secure a few more million for their bullshit administrators, but I honestly never even considered the USC-ND rivalry being in jeopardy because it is already non-conference and it's between two truly national programs with a gazillion dollars who both benefit from the matchup. 

I guess credit to Riley for straight up admitting that he doesn't want to play Notre Dame because it makes the schedule too hard. He'd rather do the old Alabama thing where you play a brand name non-conference who has been struggling for a decade and then play South Georgia State before the rivalry game. Doesn't want to play ND because ND has won 5 of the last 6. 

I don't understand why the people in college football are so casual about killing the things that has made college football great for the past 150+ years. Sad day when USC is too chicken shit to play a real schedule. ND already let's them play their road game in October because it's too cold at the end of the year for them. Now they're ready to tuck and run for good. Shame.