PSA: There's A New Robbery Scheme Going On In Chicago That Was Attempted On Me Earlier This Week

That is me in my car above. A car apparently worth concocting a story to try and steal. 

So earlier this week I was driving home from the office. North bound on Ashland Avenue. As I was approaching the underpass near Elston/Armitage, a guy pulled up next to me started aggressively telling me to roll down my window while I was driving. This has happened to me before. Usually because I did something stupid like leave something on the roof of my car or have my gas cap open. Not this time. 

This time the guy started talking like we were old friends. He said that he couldn't believe he was seeing one of his customers in person outside the shop. He yelled (everything was a yell because we were both driving the entire time) and asked if I remembered him. I did not. He said he worked on my car. He said worked in the service center where I bought my car. The guy said his name was George. He was excessively friendly for this entire interaction. He said that I needed to ask for him the next time I was in and he would do my service, oil change, tires, etc for free. Then he started telling me to pull over so he could give me his card. I kept trying to wave him off without being a dick. Then at the light he asked how I got the ding in my door. He flashed the little suction tool and again told me to pull over so he could fix it on the spot. I didn't. I said I had an appointment to get to and just sped off. 

The entire interaction was bizarre and just felt off to me. My dealership was pretty far from the city so it would be odd if that guy was on Ashland Avenue at that time. I definitely didn't remember him. I do feel like I remember the service guys who worked on my car. I decided to call my dealership to see if they did have a guy named George in their service department who was overly friendly and a little weird. They did not. 

Now, obviously I was extra weirded out. I texted a friend of mine who works for CPD. He said that they've had some criminals read your dealership license plate cover and then make up a story to try to get you to pull over. Once they get you to pull over and get out of your car they either steal your car or kidnap you to an ATM and make you withdraw as much cash as you can. Not a bad tactic by the bad guys. Break down a barrier. Make people think they know you and then take everything you can. 

Wouldn't want any of our people to fall victim to this scheme. Me, I am lucky that I don't even like talking to my friends let alone some dude pulling up to my window. Other, nice people, might feel compelled to pull over. Now you know that you shouldn't. 

Have a good weekend. Be safe out there.