Michigan Got Blown Out By Their Big Brother And THEN Decided To Be Tough Guys At Half-Court

Look I have no dog in this fight but Michigan getting their ass handed to them all afternoon by their rival and then deciding to fight at midcourt is perhaps the most embarrassing thing I've seen in the history of sports. Maybe if they would've shown half this tough guy act during the game then they wouldn't have to fight afterwards. Again I couldn't care less who these two teams are, but my advice to the Wolverines is that if you don't want to watch your rivals celebrate a 20 point win and call you Little Sister then you should just beat them. Because winners earn the right to celebrate, and the losers need to be able to handle that with class. If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: win or lose, do it with class. Michigan State has had this kissing the court tradition for 100x longer than these transfer mercenaries have called Ann Arbor home, so I'm sorry you lost your biggest game of the year and essentially ruined any meaning to even play in the NCAA Tournament, but you just gotta sit there and let them have their moment.

Anyways, credit to the referees and security for handling this properly. I'm sure those punks from Michigan could've been pepper sprayed for how they were essentially assaulting the Michigan State players at midcourt, but thankfully no use of force was deployed. Although I'm not sure this story is done just yet. I look forward to seeing the state legistlautre try and pass a law saying no kissing the court on Senior Night anymore. These Michigan guys will do anything they can except just win....