PHOTOS: We Moved into HQ3 a Year Ago Today

It's crazy it's been a full year since we moved into HQ3. It feels like it was yesterday and still feels really new. Once the move happened, I wanted to start capturing photos of Barstool as a whole and what better way to start then on our move-in day?

It's cool to look back at how empty the place looked, how bare the radio studio was, and how much has changed in a year. We even see an image of Big Cat's baby pile in the making. We get a glimpse of what All Biz Pete really thinks of Dave by sticking him in a box with no windows, even Camille Kostek was shocked by how dirty Pete did Dave.

I started shooting with film because I'm a nerd with cameras and it was really fun to do but the expense and finding a place to get a quick turnaround with film in NYC is harder than you think. Anyway, I put down the film camera and just kept shooting with the digi instead. I'm still documenting Barstool from a photo perspective but not releasing as much. There's a bigger picture to this but we'll get there when we get there.

For the moment, let's take a trip down memory lane.
