Caleb And Rone In Paris: Behind The Scenes

Note: Chef Donny here (Donnie’s intern), I had the opportunity to accompany Rone, Caleb, and Buddha Ben to Paris as their translator and behind the scenes cameraman. I kept my camera constantly rolling. This is the trip through my eyes. The video you are about to watch is long, but trust me every second of it is entertaining. Enjoy.

Instagram @chef.donnyy



If you’d like to know how I managed to weasel my way onto this trip keep reading.


I guess I was just in the right place at the right time. 

It all happened at the 11th hour. We were at the Pup Punk concert Thursday night, and I was sitting with Caleb backstage after the show. I had overheard him say he was going to Paris with Rone the next day to cover the world cup.

I took seventeen years of French. I was placed in an immersion school in kindergarten and had all my schooling done completely in French until high school. I hated every minute of it. All my friends went to the surrounding schools, while I was stuck watching Disney movies dubbed in French. Do you know how fucking miserable it was to try to try and translate the Lion King back into English as a ten-year-old?

I grew to despise the language, not thinking I would ever find a practical use for it in my life, I finished the program in high school and said Au Revoir to French and never looked back. That is until last Thursday night when I approached Caleb in the green room.

“Yo dude I heard you’re going to Paris tomorrow. I’m fluent in French if you want me to teach you a few sentences quick–”

“You’re fucking fluent in French? Why the hell didn’t you tell me yesterday, I would have booked you a flight. We could have really used your help.”

My heart sank. 

Fuck you blew it dude. You could have had a paid trip to Paris had you said something yesterday rather than waiting until the last minute. Way to go dipshit!

But then Erika walked by and everything changed in an instant. 

“Yo Erika, Donny is fluent in French and he knows how to work a camera. Can he come to Paris with us tomorrow to be our liaison and film the behind the scenes?”

“Can you actually speak French?” She asked skeptically.

I spewed some French words, making sure to roll all my Rs like that bitch of a women Madame Debard had taught me all those years ago. Erika seemed satisfied with my fluency. She shrugged her shoulders and said:

“Sure, book his flight.”

And just like that, I was headed to Paris. Honestly, I couldn’t fucking believe it. I think it helped that Erika was also celebrating the success of the Pup Punk concert that night. Being a little tipsy she was more willing to accept Caleb’s proposal. Right place right time man, right place right time.

Getting to spend three days with this crew was a time and a half. As you’ll see in this behind the scenes video Caleb and Rone aren’t just playing characters for the five-minute clip you see of them. They’re like that around the clock. Buddha Ben is quite the character as well. He helped us all appreciate the comforts of America, like always being able to find backwoods blunt wraps. Although he might have complained a little here and there he’s really fucking good at his job, and that’s all that matters. 

I ran from riot police, ate a face full of tear gas, witnessed a country celebrate a world cup victory, saw an old French friend, ate some, drank some, and finally got to use my fucking French. Until next time.

Stay Houndin’

Chef Donny