The World's Strongest Beer Is Incredibly Fucking Strong

The World’s Strongest Beer is called Beithir Fire, and it comes with a warning label that cautions the drinker to NEVER consume more than 35mL (about 1 oz) in a single sitting. With 13 times the alcohol content of an average beer, the name “Beithir Fire” is fitting for this Scottish Ale because you can feel the beer burning your esophagus and taking a flamethrower to your chest the second you swallow. This is how the alcohol content stacks up with a normal adult beverage … 

avg beer: 5% alcohol

avg wine: 13% alcohol 

avg liquor: 40% alcohol

Beithir Firer: 75% alcohol 

A few years back while in China, The Wonton Don, did a Donnie Does episode on "Snake Venom" the world's strongest beer of 2017 with an alcohol content of 67.5%. This is how it ended up for him ...

A special thank you to The Wonton Don for stepping up on this episode, even though the world's strongest beer has left him with severe drinking PTSD.