Billy and Chef Donny Went Upland Game Hunting
The best part about my job is the opportunity to meet new people and go to places that I haven’t been to before. Back in September, Justin, from Markover Hunting Preserve, reached out to me via email and invited myself & whoever else to come to Connecticut to shoot pheasants and chuckers at their farm. After finding out that this is a legit place, and that Justin wasn’t some random guy trying to kidnap me I decided to give him a call and make the trip.
Personally, I haven’t had the opportunity to upland game hunt much. I have been on a pheasant hunt one other time before and shot a couple partridge in Argentina back in July. Next on my bucket list would be an upland game hunt out west! In my opinion my favorite part about these hunts is watching the dogs work, especially a dog that is well trained and doesn’t break.
On this specific trip I decided to call up Donny and Billy and invite them to come hunt with me. Billy & Donny haven’t had much experience hunting prior to this trip; however, they have shot guns a handful of times and feel comfortable with a shot gun in their hands. Most importantly they do know a thing or two about gun safety. The most important thing about hunting with guns is feeling comfortable with the weapon, which is why the boys warmed up with some clay pigeons.
My goal when it comes to the Out of Office series is to take people out of their comfort zones and let them experience something they may have never done before. This trip was perfect because not only were the guys able to watch a great dog work, but they also got the opportunity to harvest, clean, and eat their own meat. I was impressed with how well they did. Justin was also a fantastic guide, and we are thankful for the opportunity to come and hangout with his crew!
All around it was fun for me to watch the guys enjoy themselves and get into the sport of hunting!
Barstool Outdoors
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