Free Range Texas Deer Go Crazy During the Rut!
Tilden, Texas is quite literally a hunters paradise. I am hunting free range brush country, thick with mesquite & cactus, which is rich with a variety of wildlife ranging from predators, wild hogs, deer, turkey, snakes, etc. The thickness of the brush allows for these animals to thrive.
I’ve been coming down here since I was 6 years old to hunt with Blonde haired Uncle Buck, and arrows never seize to turn red. I shot my very first turkey down the road when I was just 8 or 9 years old. A Jake, which is a young male turkey, stepped out at about 15 yards. I pulled my compound bow back & smoked him.
I’ve been traveling down to Texas every year to do some hunting & I can tell you one thing, it never gets old. If y’all ever wanna get into bow hunting & have the opportunity to go down to south Texas, it’s a place where you’ll have plenty of opportunities to let an arrow fly!
I get questions on how much I spend on broadheads since I shoot multiple different animals on a single trip. The answer is, unless I’m shooting a whitetail, I’ll use the same broadhead at least 2-3 times as long as it’s not broken, which normally the grim reaper always stays intact. There’s also the option to resharpen the broadheads as well.
I pull back 60 pounds on my compound PSE, so my go to broadhead on white tails would be a 3 blade 100 grain mechanical & on hogs I’ll shoot a fixed blade.
If someone pulls back 50lbs or less I’d typically recommend a mechanical broadhead, since the flight of the arrow is typically better. This is all from experience!
Another tip from my experience would be to always check your arrow before reshooting it once it has gone through an animal. It’s important to make sure the arrow has not split, otherwise it could malfunction and not fly appropriately.
Barstool Outdoors
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